For a long time now, Hollywood productions needed industrial space to operate in and to be considered a ‘player.” Most importantly, they needed a Hollywood address. However, over the past years, with the loss of industrial space in Hollywood, film production facilities have opted to lease or buy space beyond the limits of Hollywood. In… Read more »
Posts By: George Stavaris
Mass Exodus of Californians… Why?
IT IS SAID THAT CALIFORNIANS ARE LEAVING THE STATE IN DROVES, BUT ARE THEY FINDING GREENER PASTURES FOR THEIR BUSINESSES? Over the past year, many businesses have left the state due to high taxes (what many refer to as the “Sunshine Tax”) and the growing blight of the homeless population. At Triniti Partners, our industrial… Read more »
North Los Angeles Industrial Real Estate, Still Going Strong, Despite the Pandemic
Every so often, someone will ask me if COVID-19 has harmed my industrial real estate brokerage or the Los Angeles North industry as a whole. To that I say, “Not at all. The pandemic has not increased the supply or lowered the rental or sales value for industrial properties in the L.A. North market; in… Read more »

SO WHY WOULD YOU HIRE A RESIDENTIAL BROKER TO NEGOTIATE A COMMERCIAL SALE OR LEASE? With the advent of online marketing platforms to view property today, anyone and everyone can see what’s on the market. And while it is good exposure for the property owner, it often leads to licensed agents outside of the commercial… Read more »